Corning specialty optical fibers for telecommunications, sensing, industrial, and medical industries.
Specialty Fiber Products
Corning Specialty Fiber Capabilities

Corning specialty optical fiber offers a large portfolio of products, and more importantly an even larger set of capabilities. Being a specialty house, Corning understand that their customers might need one meter of highly engineered fiber or one-thousand kilometers of the world’s most consistent erbium fiber for EDFA.
To do this Corning use their multiple, flexible development and manufacturing platforms (patented OVD), Corning deep knowledge of material science, and leveraged supply chain of the world’s largest fiber company.
Sensing: Know-How for Quick Response
More often optical fibers are used for communications as well as sensing elements in a wide variety of growing applications. Optical fiber has inherent advantages over other types of sensors given they are immune to EMI, have a wide temperature range usage, and can be multiplexed. Corning understand that what makes an ideal fiber for communications, might not be ideal as a sensing fiber. So Corning develop and manufacture fibers with unique properties to match the application. Corning have the deep knowledge and capabilities to rapidly customize the glass and/or coatings of the fiber to optimize performance to fit Corning customer’s required needs.
Explore these areas:
Telecommunications: High-Performance
Corning groundbreaking telecommunications innovations provide customers with solutions that bring high-quality broadband capabilities right to your doorstep. Customers choose Corning fibers first and foremost for their renowned reliability and consistency. While maintaining these key parameters, Corning also have the ability to go from concept to product rapidly– something Corning customers demand in a dynamic industry.
Explore these areas:
Erbium-Doped Fiber
High-Index Fiber/Bend Insensitive
PANDA/Polarization Maintaining Fiber
Special Single Mode Fiber
Erbium-Doped Fiber
High-Index Fiber