ANalog MZ Modulator Bias Controller
Dither-less Automated Modulator Bias Controller
Unlike classical dither signal based bias controllers, the MBC-AN-LAB does not superimpose any tone (dither) signal to the optical modulated wave. They are designed for application where such a tone signal is not desired and typically for analog applications where a high purity carrier is required. They are easy to implement, fully automated with its autoset function. The MBC-AN-LAB is proposed in a compact and smart package.
Highlights – Benefits & Features
- Dither-less operation
- Quadrature operating points (Quad+ & Quad-)
- Turn-Key and standalone Bias Controller
- Plug & play with build-in couplers
- Analog modulation
- RFoF transmission
- Optical communications
Main specifications
- Very high stability on bias point
- Calibrated version from 760 nm to the L-Band
- Easy-to-Use Graphical User Interface
- USB remote control
Digital MZ Modulator Bias Controller
Continuously Tunable Modulator Bias Controllers
The MBC-DG-LAB is an automatic bias controller specially designed to lock the operating point of LiNb03 Mach-Zehnder modulators and ensure a stable operation over time and environmental conditions.
The MBC-DG-LAB controller is a continuously tunable bias controllers, meaning it allows operation of the controlled intensity modulator at any point of its transfer function and thus can be used for any telecom modulation schemes, such as NRZ, DPSK, RZ,..
The MBC-LAB benefits of an Auto-set operation for the Min, Max, Quad ± modes resulting in a simplified use.
Highlights – Benefits & Features
- Auto-set bias points (Min, Max, Quad ±)
- Control of any bias points from modulator transfer function curve
- Continuous tuning of the operating point
- USB remote control
- LiNbO3, InP, GaAs modulators
- Digital modulation schemes NRZ, RZ, DPSK,…
- Pulse applications
- Analog applications
Main Specifications
- Operating wavelength: from 600 nm up to 1 600 nm
- Locking accuracy @Quad: 90 ± 0.5 degree
- Extinction ratio at MIN mode: 50 ± 0.05 dB
- Auto-set bias points (Min, Max, Quad ±)
DiGital IQ Modulator Bias Controller
The MBC-IQ-Lab is an electronic system able to control I&Q Modulators in a CS-SSB modulation scheme. It is based on the minimization of the beating harmonic of two small dithers. This system allows to maintain harmonic rejection of optical CS-SSB spectrum better than 40dB over tens of hours.
Highlights – Benefits & Features
- Automatic Bias Controller for IQ modulator
- Turn-key and stand alone electronic
- Two small dithering signals at two different frequencies
- RFoF: radio over fiber transmissions
- Optical frequency shifters
- Brillouin based metrology
- Antenna Measurements
Main Specifications
- Dedicated to CS-SSB band modulator
- Optical harmonics rejection better than 40 dB
- High stability recorded over 72 hours
PuLse MZ Modulator Bias Controller
It is well known that the inherent drift of Mach-Zehnder modulators is caused by aging and environmental variations. Thus, when the modulator is used for optical pulse generation (Min bias point operation), the modulator drift causes a radical optical pulse extinction ratio loss.
iXblue MBC-DG-LAB Modulator Bias Controllers (MBC) is designed to compensate the drift and maintain with an exceptional accuracy the modulator bias point to reach a very high optical pulse contrast value and stability.
The MBC-DG-LAB is an automatic bias controller specially designed to lock the operating point of LiNb03 Mach-Zehnder modulators and ensure a stable operation over time and environmental conditions.
The MBC-LAB benefits of an Auto-set operation for the Min modes resulting in a simplified use.
Highlights – Benefits & Features
- Auto-set bias points (Min, Max, Quad ±)
- Control of any bias points from modulator transfer function curve
- Continuous tuning of the operating point
- USB remote control
- LiNbO3, InP, GaAs modulators
- Digital modulation schemes NRZ, RZ, DPSK,…
- Pulse applications
- Analog applications
Main Specifications
- Operating wavelength: from 600 nm up to 1 600 nm
- Locking accuracy @Quad: 90 ± 0.5 degree
- Extinction ratio at MIN mode: 50 ± 0.05 dB
- Auto-set bias points (Min, Max, Quad ±)